Be A Goal Getter

by | Mar 18, 2022 | Alcohol, Diabetes, Exercise, Weight Loss | 0 comments

Chances are you set goals at work on a regular basis.  Perhaps, you determine a budget, set standards to meet objectives, or have the goal of meeting sales numbers.

Maybe, you held a fundraiser with a specific earnings goal in mind.  Use these experiences to understand the importance of setting goals to improve health, weight, and or blood sugar and to achieve success.

Having goals helps you set realistic plans and stay focused.  Long-term goals are those that are longer than one month away.  Short-term goals are one day to one month away.  Plan non-food rewards to help keep you motivated to attain your weight and health goals.

SMART Goals Are

  • Specific.  Examples include “I will start eating breakfast every day” vs. “I am going to eat better.”  Another example might be “I will walk to the end of the driveway every night after dinner” vs. “I am going to start exercising.” Next to your goals write a few words about how you will reach the goal. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds over the next six months, you might write, “Weigh and measure foods.”
  • Measureable.  “I am going to lower my A1C by 1% at my next doctor visit” vs. “I am going to improve my blood sugar.”
  • Attainable.  “I am going to start walking 10 minutes after each meal.”  Research has shown that walking 10 minutes after each meal can lower A1C.  All of a sudden you are exercising 30 minutes per day!
  • Personal.  When you sit down to evaluate your personal roadblocks to better diabetes self-management, ask yourself where can you make changes.  Maybe you don’t test your blood sugar during the day because you don’t keep a meter at work.  Your goal might be to get a meter to store at your desk, and to start checking lunch-time blood sugars (either before and/or or two hours after lunch) three days per week.  Again, keep it attainable.  If you haven’t been checking sugars during the day, three days per week is a good start.  Perhaps you are a stress eater.  If so, then make it a goal to try a yoga class, or to make an appointment with a behaviorist to work on ways to reduce stress.
  • Time-bound/Timely.  “I will lose 1-2 pounds over the next 30 days.”
  • Written.  Write down your goals, and hang your goal sheet on the refrigerator, bathroom mirror, car dashboard, corner of your computer or anywhere you can view it throughout the day.  Some people find it helpful to make a story-board.  Get a piece of heavy-weight paper, and write down your goals.


Next to your goals write a few words about how you will reach the goal.  For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds over the next six months, you might write, “Weigh and measure foods.”  Also, write how you will feel when you reach that goal, or what you will do.  For example, “Shop for new clothes,” or “Get family photo taken.”  You might even find some pictures to cut out and paste on your story board, such as a certain style of clothing that you want to wear, a picture of an active, healthy person or of something that you will use as a reward when you reach your goal such as event tickets or a new handbag.

Make sure to review your goals daily as a reminder.  Think about how you did that day, and what you might need to do differently the next time.  Once you get started, you may need to revise your goals.  Remember, having goals helps you set realistic plans and stay focused.


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